What We Do : Hudson Pendleton Financial Group


Call Us: (706) 653-2398

What We Do

For Retirees

During their working years, most people view retirement as the end game. They view it as a destination they are trying to reach. Once they are finally there, they soon realize that it is not the end but rather a transition from one phase of life to the next. For the average retiree, this new phase of life may last two, three or even four decades. While your definition and experience of retirement will be unique to you, there is one thing that will be the same for us all. And that is the question of “Will I be able to afford this?” Quite often, people are confident in their financial plan during their working years-when they are accumulating money. But as retirement nears, they realize they do not feel quite as confident in their plan as they now have to take money out. We create a customized financial plan and offer a variety of services to ensure that you can answer “yes” to that difficult question.


Financial Planning

Having a plan allows you to measure success against your goals rather than an arbitrary number.


Cash Flow

Understanding that your cash flow today will help ensure you have the income you will need for the future.



Take care of what can go wrong so that you can afford the luxury of investing for what can go right.





We aim to help you reach your goals by maximizing your after-tax returns, minimizing your expenses and eliminating as much risk as possible.


Wealth Transfer

Your wealth doesn’t affect just you. It also impacts your family, your loved ones and those you leave behind.



Financial Planning

Positioning your wealth so that you are confident in your financial future does not happen by accident. It takes a well thought out plan and someone to hold you to it. When creating your plan we:

  • Define success according to you
  • Help you articulate and understand your goals and perspective towards money
  • Review and organize your financial life
  • Align your financial decisions with your values and attitudes
  • Development and implement your plan



Cash Flow

One of the first steps in our process is to obtain a complete picture of your cash flow. Understanding and coordinating your income, protection, savings, taxes and debt structure is vital to most effectively positioning and growing your wealth. Some key areas we focus on are:

  • Cash flow planning
  • Tax planning and tax return review
  • College funding
  • Retirement planning
  • Debt and liability analysis
  • Debt repayment and restructuring
  • Social security planning
  • Pension maximization strategies




Risk management and asset protection play a vital role in a well-balanced financial plan. Our goal is to help you achieve success as defined by you. We also want to provide peace of mind that all along the way you and your balance sheet are prepared for both the expected and unexpected events that will occur. We provide solutions for:

  • Life insurance
  • Disability insurance
  • Long term care insurance
  • Home and auto insurance analysis
  • Employee benefits analysis




In theory, investing should be simple-you buy low and sell high. In reality however, most investors experience the exact opposite-they buy high and sell low. This “strategy” is a surefire way to run out of money. At Hudson Pendleton Financial Group, we apply research from the world’s leading economists to develop investment strategies that make sense for you at your given risk tolerance. By incorporating your personal goals and risk tolerance, we are able to develop a strategy that you will have the confidence to stick with even when the market turns volatile. Our asset management services include:

  • Risk tolerance assessment
  • Investment policy statement design
  • Manager due diligence, selection and maintenance
  • Asset allocation
  • Tax managed portfolios
  • Tax harvesting
  • Retirement account management and analysis
  • 401k and IRA rollovers and reviews



Wealth Transfer

Whether you have a significant estate tax problem or simply want to leave a little something for your grandchild, your financial legacy can make an impact and is worth addressing. No matter the size of your estate, we will assist you in developing an estate plan that articulates your wishes, protects your family, minimizes your taxes and preserve your legacy for future generations. Our wealth transfer planning includes:

  • Will and trust reviews
  • Family planning coordination
  • Special needs planning
  • Estate planning, advising and review
  • Inheritance management and planning
  • Beneficiary designation review
  • Gifting and philanthropy
  • Estate tax review and minimization



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